The online learning program "Sustainability, the business case for the hydropower sector" is born from an initiative that seeks to update knowledge and highlight the potential of hydropower as an element to promote the creation of environmental, social and economic value.
The course is aimed at both the staff of the ICH member organizations and the different stakeholders linked to the planning, development and supervision of the projects and will be a prerequisite to participate in the face-to-face events to be developed by ICH, both global and regional call.
The selected topics are those identified as the common thread of the hydropower industry, capacity building and promoting change within the industry. This new course contributes to the transformation of a country, region or city by developing critical thinking skills through dialogue and participation.
The course should provide the participants with tools for planning projects in the best possible way on a National, Regional and Local level and enable planners to avoid problems later in the project by doing a thorough assessment of important issues at an early stage. ' The right choices at the beginning of a process develop better projects for all in the end'.
The course covers the following 13 topics: Background and Development of Social Impact Assessment; Impact Assessmet methodologies; Baseline Data and Mitigation Measures; Stakeholder Consultation Process; Resettlement; Livelihood Development; Institutional Strengthening and Capacity building; Financing; Indigenous Peoples and Vulnerable Groups; Health issues, Gender and Eduction; The role of NGO's and Monitoring; environmental and Technical Issues